Monday, February 1, 2010

Today is a nerve wracking day for me. If you know me, you'll be aware that I've been rocking the asymmetrical thing for years now. Myself and my very talented and stylish friend Gina developed a lopsided strategy to fend off unwelcome advances when we were out imbibing. I had the big red hair on the left side, she had the big black hair on the right. We'd tease the big side out to astronomical proportions and then we'd turn to face each other if we didn't like you. The undesirable would be effectively blocked by a massive wall of hair. It was brilliant and effective. We even have matching tattoos on our necks saying 'secrets' to hint at the mysterious treats contained within.
Anyway, it seems that my asymmetrical dog has had its day. I've worn it like that for... it must be close to three years now. Giant on the left side, short and messy with a tail on the right. I don't want to be all Pamela Anderson about my hair, so it's time for a change. My roots (ha!) are firmly planted in sleaze rock and dirty metal, so it will naturally be big, but what to do?
In addition to making accessories, I am also a hair extension Wizard (that one was for you, Joy!) and so this gives me the freedom to do pretty much whatever the hell I like. So, today will see the dawn of a new era. I am thinking, excessively long in the front (both sides) and kind of short messy hairline length in the back with a long, central braided tail in the middle. I am having trouble letting go of the tail, in case it wasn't obvious.
Anyway, it'll probably take most of the day, so here's a before shot. You cant really tell how big I wear it in that picture but trust me when I say that Dolly Parton is one of my idols for a reason. I'll post some afters... that is if I'm not crying hot tears of regret into my tint bowl by 9pm. Wish me luck!

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