Its true, though. They look absolutely foul, and this is coming from a 7 year vegan, 21 year vegetarian who inhales brussels sprouts like she'll wake up ten years younger.
I have recently made the foray into said smoothies, because despite reading of their health and beauty benefits for ohhh, nine hundred years I never made that leap. Until now. I don't know what tipped me over the edge... maybe the need for extra justification to buy a Vitamix (did you know it is so powerful it actually breaks down the cell walls of the greens making them easier to digest and absorb?) maybe it was too many hours lying awake at night wondering how much sleep medication you can take before it becomes an actual 'overdose' or maybe it was just one of those things I had to think about for years before I did it. Either way, I'm glad I did.
I am obviously a green smoothie n00b, and my blender is pitiful and won't crush ice or anything fancy like that, so for now my recipes are basic and are usually a banana, plus a handful of some kind of berry and then about 4 or 5 cups of spinach, or romaine lettuce or something, some water to stop it needing a spoon for consumption and yeah, that's it.
I don't know if I'm feeling The Benefits yet, but it's certainly making me feel virtuous and like I'm worthy of some kind of treat... like Giles Deacon cat eye sunglasses, or flowers from a stranger.
Pretty sure I know which one of those is more likely... and those sunglasses aren't even for SALE!

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