Instead, I decided to do the sensible thing and go and see my friend Iva, aka Team Europe.
I am English, Iva is Bulgarian. Together we are Team Europe. We like to discuss baking and beauty products and clothes and sunglasses. It's pretty awesome. We enjoy rolling our eyes at the silly Americans who interrupt our intellectual debates on the merits of cocoa butter (100% pure, of course) we swap stories of the rude things they've said to us, and the dreadful manners they exhibit. We shake our heads and we say 'that would never happen in Europe'.
We are completely unbearable, but I feel I should put a disclaimer, since this is the internet and people do tend to take things so seriously, that the superior attitude we cultivate is purely to amuse ourselves and has nothing to do with disliking Americans. We do both live in America, so what does that tell you?
Tomorrow I shall be making my bi-monthly pilgrimage to the mall to go to Sephora. I need a replacement shower filter and I want to seek out an oil based cleanser. In case you didn't know, your hair will feel much, much nicer if you invest in a filter. Especially if you wear extensions, in fact it is a necessity for extensions. It reduces the levels of all the chlorine, synthetic chemicals and VOCs which are the main culprits for drying everything out. It is also really nice to have if you suffer from allergies or asthma since the chlorine vapours aggravate that kind of thing. I personally don't have any allergies, because I am European.
This is Betty. She is a cat that I was forbidden to adopt in Arizona, apparently we already live with too many cats (total rubbish btw!). I see that she's no longer listed on Petfinder so I hope that she's found a wonderful home to grace with her little flatty face. I keep her picture on my desktop because I'm not yet ready to let go completely.

"This is Betty. She is a cat that Brody wouldn't let me adopt..."
Well... IT'S TRUE!! haha