I would like to take this opportunity to express the extreme fondness I have for my United States Postal worker. He is seriously the Best Ever. He always goes to great trouble to make sure I get my stuff, if he leaves a slip because he can't deliver something then he asks me next time to be sure I got it.
Yesterday I was hunched over my computer in silence waiting for the rustle at the mail box, as he was still poised, mid delivery I flung the door open and interrogated him about what he had in his little bag for me. Nothing. I was waiting for my
jewelery order, and I told him my woeful tale, that if I didn't get it before I left Sunday night I would have to wait aaaaages because I'd be in New York all next week. He agreed that would be a terrible shame.
Today I had to go out and buy cat food and sun block and missed his delivery, he left me a slip but get this, he stopped by on his way BACK to see if I was home yet and I GOT MY PACKAGE!
It seriously made my week, I've missed all my jewelry that was lost on The Greyhound Incident so much, and I was bummed to not have anything pretty to wear for my social engagements this week, and now I have stuff.
I'm thinking I'll write to the USPS and tell them how great he is.
Also, I have a tip today for all you people who... wear shoes. I often buy shoes with a slippery undercarriage (seriously, who makes these things?) and I used to buy those little
grip pads at four or five dollars a pop, until I realised I could buy a roll of non-slip rug tape for ten dollars and use it for, I dunno, three hundred pairs of shoes.
The only downfall is that it's pale grey, you can get
black stuff too, but I haven't seen it in stores... and anyway, if people are looking at the soles of my shoes that intensely, I say they deserve to see whatever I've stuck there.