My love affair with New York, Part deux.
You know that part in Sex and the City (No, I won't apologise) where Carrie says the city is her boyfriend? Well, that's how I feel.
Columbus is not on the cards, and so there is no need for all my hard work in being positive about it because you know what IS on the cards? New York in the summertime!
I have decided to downsize my life and return to my One True Love. If you know me you'll know I like to throw things away, I find it cathartic. I am not sentimentally attached to objects, they just don't do it for me. I'm a little sad to see the back of my couch since it is so damn comfortable, but eh... needs must where needs arise, maybe I can keep part of it but I doubt it would make it up most Brooklyn staircases, so probably not.
Anyway, I have been making a list of 'non negotiable items' hereafter referred to as NNI. So far, my NNI include: The bed, the kitty castle, sewing machine & serger, small craft table, mannequin, bike and large mirror. With only these things it should be easy to fit me and my three furry friends into a studio apartment. (I have a plan, but don't want to out myself here in case I jinx it. Suffice to say it would be the Best Day Ever if it panned out)
I have also been thinking of ways to minimise the way I do other things. For example, I can get rid of most of my kitchen appliances if I get a Vitamix. I can get rid of my desktop if I get a laptop. I think you see where I am going with this. Joy and I were at
Whisk on Bedford Ave the other day and it had many covetable and miniature items. I can't wait to get rid of old stuff and buy new stuff. I have two months to sell pretty much everything I own and make a new start. I wish I could find someone to give me one lump sum for all these damn vinyl toys I have, maybe I should just list it on Ebay and see what happens, I can't heave this shit around wih me any longer, it has to go. Maybe $800 for the lot, that should get some takers... it would cost thousands to buy all that stuff again.
Anyway, I digress, the point of this post is simple; New Beginnings. One door closes, another one opens and other similar cliches. I am really excited to get back to New York, things were just starting to happen for me when I left and I hope I can keep the ball rolling this time. I don't want any Red Hook or Bushwick-like location based mistakes this time, I want The Best Experience possible and I really think I can make that happen this time. Onward and upwards, as they say!