I stopped by a bead store here in the city today, found it useless. I was hoping for lots of chains. They did actually have chain, but it was just beyond overpriced, I am once again driven back to the internet. I can find everything I need online, but sometimes it's nice to have that tactile shopping experience. I don't know if the internet is to blame for this, or just less people are interested in crafts these days, but I find it more and more difficult to get the stuff I need in actual stores. Oh well... I also sent some of my pictures off to a photographer(s assistant). Seems I may be in some sort of book, I usually say no to this kind of stuff, I prefer to keep a low profile, and I'm hopelessly awkward in front of cameras anyway, but I was browsing his portfolio, and he has photographed Dolly F*****G Parton! That was enough, I am sold. To be in the presence of someone who has captured the divine essence of Miss Parton... well, you should know that this is enough to render me incapable of, pretty much everything. Which is ok, all I'll have to do is sit there and look pretty. Presumably. Anyway, here's a couple of badly lit shots (really have to improve my lighting situation!) of what I've been working on today, and also Dolly Parton performing the classic Jolene. She's just so cute I can't stand it! She's also a very smart businesswoman, a classy lady, her Playboy cover shot is as risque as you'll find her, and married to the same man for all these years. She is also now an official American Treasure. I have no idea what that means, but I like it! I'm off to drink some tea and see what kind of Dolly action I can get on Netflix now...
Saturday, January 30, 2010
I spent the day rushing around trying to get all my errands completed before the snow got too... snowy for my little Focus to function properly. Poor little thing is like a rollerskate, more than half an inch of snow and you may as well walk. I also put together a wristband, I'm pretty pleased with how well it came together. It's not quite finished, it needs something to hold it together in the back. I'll probably use elasticated cord so that it will fit a range of sizes. This is one of the new materials I bought on my most recent shopping trip, I'm really in love with it, it's so soft and has a really nice matt, distressed finish, I also got some in dark brown because I liked it so much. Here's a couple of quick snapshots, apologies for the poor quality, I'm still getting used to my camera settings, this should be up in the shop this coming week.
I am really into these medical themed shoes made by Gwendolyn Huskens. They were created to explore the taboos associated with physical deformities, but... all that aside I just like them and feel a DIY coming on. Of course I'd want to make them in grey or black, it's easy to get black stretch bandages, if not for human intent then for pursuits more equine. Black band-aids however, may be a little more tricky. Apparently there used to be a company called Ebon-aide that made varying shades of brown band aids, up to and including black. I say 'used to be' because they don't seem to exist anymore (which is a whole other issue in and of itself) all I could find available for purchase was some made from pressed black leather by Scott Amron, which would set me back $15-$18 for three. And then, obviously there's the fact that they are, y'know, leather.
Friday, January 29, 2010
One of the difficulties involved in working with faux leather and suede is the issue of the edges. With actual leather, you just bevel the edges and you're done with it. With faux, it's rarely thick enough to allow you to get away with that, you wouldn't have a workable piece, and you obviously can't just bevel what is, often, a woven material. It frays and looks all weird and you just end up with a big mess. I often sit around deliberating these types of quandaries, does it make me the most exciting person to spend time with? No, but it does sometimes provide me with flashes of inspiration. Like today, I figured it out and honestly, I'm feeling quite smug about it. And also stupid, in equal amounts because it is so simple. I've long since solved all my belt making troubles, but I was having an issue with smaller pieces, like you would use for wrist bands or sections for a high collar. Now these little pieces are my bitches. I emerge victorious. Speaking of high collars, have you been watching Legend of the Seeker? It has some pretty incredible costumes, and obviously the best is that of the Mord'Sith. Skin tight, blood red leather with straps and buckles and a weird dildo that you use to inflict untold pain on your victims? What could be wrong with that?
Thursday, January 28, 2010
I have decided to join the blogosphere. This will be a place where I post the things I buy, the things I want to buy, the things I'm thinking about buying and the things that exist solely to make me feel ashamed of my bank account. You won't know this yet, but I'm a crafty type, I like to make stuff, I sew a lot and I am a faux leather crafter. I barely own anything that i have not cut, sewn, dyed, stained, altered or molested in some way. I don't wear leather so sometimes that gets in the way of my being as epic as I want to be. It's my mission to recreate that which I covet in such a way that when the apocalypse happens, the animals won't find it nearly as entertaining to chew my face off. This led to the creation of my accessories line, Red Hel. so I'll be using this blog to announce it when I post new things to my Etsy shop as well. I made a little trip with my asymmetrical friend Gina to buy some new faux leathers the other day, I got some really good ones so expect to see lots of new and exciting things soon! I live with three cats and a really metal boyfriend, so I will also be posting pictures of them eating sandwiches and sleeping in cupboards. You can decide who does what.