Ok. I suppose it's time to reinstate my Online Presence. It's been a long enough absence.
I find that when one (me) drops the proverbial blogging ball for an extended period, it's best to break it down into a list so it doesn't get too convoluted;
*I've done a lot of sweet hair extensions (evidence below)
*I've drank a lot of Raspberry Stoli (no evidence of that, you're not going to get
that lucky, my friends)
*I've written a lot of silly survey questions for a lot of silly corporate clients.
*I've ridden my bike around, looking cool and batting my eyelashes at handsome young men.
*I've developed a deep and enduring love for Agent Seeley Booth ( I know, ladies... I
*I've almost finished my neck tattoo (neck sleeve? Turtleneck?)
*I had a fun 4th of July (evidence below)
*I've settled nicely into my little basement. I don't ever want to move out of it.
*I've made some new friends, but mostly I've realized how incredible the ones I already have are.
*Pieface got a new haircut (evidence below)
*I discovered I live 1 1/2 blocks from the new location of my favourite pizza place ever.
*A gigantic slug has been breaking in and eating Wicket's food (evidence below)
*My tendonitis is back.
*I added to my Eggy collection (evidence below)
*My ears officially match and I bought new jewelry to celebrate.
*Pieface no longer has an irregular heartbeat, and is cleared for a medicine-free existence (for now).
*Wicket is fat (evidence below).
*Shadow is flexible (evidence below).
*I have a confirmed admirer, who lives on my street.
*I only take home men with mustaches who wear rosaries. It is my new standard by which all must comply.
*I am still an insomniac.
*I am developing a pretty nice t shirt collection (evidence below)
*I have given in to the lure of the iphone. I should get it next week. Damn waiting list.
*I am deeply, unapologetically happy to be back in NY.